Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer 2012

So, I've noticed I am a little (ok a lot!) behind on my blogging. It is a process to get pictures on here, because the only camera I have is my phone and so I have to email the pictures to myself one at a time and then save each one to my computer in order to get them uploaded. Sometimes I get burned out just thinking about doing it...but! here is an update of the last three months...or what I remember anyway. :) It is going to mostly be pictures and probably not in any specific order. So, here it goes...

 My sweet baby!

 Addi LOVES bath time! She kicks and splashes and makes a huge mess all over the walls and floor :)

Addi stayed home from church with mommy who wasn't feeling well and found grandma's newspaper on the floor...

 She really likes to watch and listen to daddy play guitar.

She is just so cute!

This was right before Addilyn started to really get around. She found daddy's xbox and controllers. I found her staring at it longingly :P


She really likes her new play mat that we got from some friends at church.

So cute! She was pretty excited to sit on the box! :)

Addi loves her daddy!

Cute new outfit from Susan Cunningham! There are pants that go with it too, but they are still a little too big.

Addilyn loves to swing! When we can't make it to the park, I put up the johnny jump up and raise it up and swing her in it.

Addi's adorable new hat! (also from Sis. Cunningham) The pic is a little blurry, but I love this picture of her!

Tutu on the head! She used to do this arm thing all the time and I have no clue why haha!

The mittens that go with the hat! Apparently they don't taste very good...

She has enough hair for a ponytail on top!

She is a big girl now!

This was a few months ago. Now she can stand without holding anything for about 10-15 seconds. My baby is growing up too fast!

Here is her hat she wore home from the hospital...I think her head grew a little :P

This was her 6 month picture in July.

Silly baby!

She played so hard and crashed on the floor. She NEVER does this! Notice, one sock on and one off haha!

 So sweet!

Loves the bath!

So that is our munchkin the last few months in pictures. Addilyn is almost 8 months now and I can hardly believe it! She is so close to crawling and really gets around just by rolling and turning. Sunday morning I found a tooth in her little mouth! She has her bottom right one poking through! We love her so much! She really brings a special spirit into our home.

Jason is still working for Enterprise, but looking for a better job. He is also preparing to join either the Army or the Air Force. The next review boards aren't until January and February, so he has plenty of time to get in shape! :)

I am absolutely loving being a stay at home mom! Addilyn is seriously the best baby and makes it so easy! I miss my family and really wish we were all still down the street from each other. :( I am planning on going and visiting them when Jason goes to basic, which should be sometime next year. I just got called to be the primary secretary in my ward, so that should keep me pretty busy each week, especially with the primary program coming up! I'm excited for what lies ahead and wherever we will go.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Virginia is for Lovers

Over Memorial Day weekend, Jason, Addilyn and I drove down to Williamsburg, VA to visit Jason's grandparents. It was about a 4-5 hour drive and Addi did great...for the first 3 hours. She was so sick of being strapped in her car seat, when we got there she was so excited and happy to be out! Addi got to meet her Great Granny and Great Grandpappy. She wasn't too sure about them at first, but quickly warmed up to them. We drove down Saturday afternoon and came back Monday morning. It was a quick trip, but it was good to see Granny and Grandpappy again and get away for a little bit. Here are some pictures from the trip.
Got my toys and ready to go!

Caught off guard haha

Virginia is for Lovers!

Addi and Grandpappy

Pretty baby!

So excited!

Wake up daddy!

On the way home. Fell asleep with her toys in her mouth

Tight grip on her toys, even though sleeping :)

The last hour or so of the trip

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer Is Here!!

I finally have a computer again to continue with my blog! It has started getting really warm out here and today I couldn't wait any longer. I put Addi's swimsuit and sunglasses on her!

Then I decided that since it was almost 80 degrees outside and the pool wasn't open yet, we would just make our own!
  Addi loved it! She kicked and splashed and had a blast! (even though her face doesn't show it haha!)
Her hair is long enough to do a little mohawk!
As soon as Addi was dry and dressed, she fell asleep in about 3 seconds haha
Swimming always makes me tired too :)

This year for Mother's Day, our ward gave all the women flower plants. Here is mine re-potted.
 And here is the beautiful orchid Jason got me!
Life in Pennsylvania is a little different, but I love it! I do miss my family and the good friends we made in Rexburg, but now we have a chance to get to know family out here a little better. Addilyn is such a happy baby and I can't imagine life without her. She brings us so much joy every day! We love her so much!